she needs insulin to maintain normal metabolism 意味

  • 正常な代謝を保つためにインシュリンが必要だ


        normal metabolism:    正常{せいじょう}な代謝{たいしゃ}
        normal metabolism of carbohydrates:    炭水化物{たんすいか ぶつ}の正常代謝{せいじょう たいしゃ}
        maintain a normal blood pressure:    血圧{けつあつ}を正常{せいじょう}に保つ
        maintain normal body temperature:    正常{せいじょう}な体温{たいおん}を維持{いじ}する
        maintain normal functions like:    ~といった正常機能{せいじょう きのう}を維持{いじ}する
        maintain normal intellect:    正常{せいじょう}な知性{ちせい}を持続{じぞく}する
        maintain normal temperature:    正常{せいじょう}な体温{たいおん}を維持{いじ}する
        regain and maintain a normal weight:    普通{ふつう}の体重{たいじゅう}に戻し維持する
        maintain normal serum potassium levels:    血清{けっせい}カリウム値を正常{せいじょう}に保つ
        she:    she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
        she's:    {1} : she is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : she has の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        she she:    {名} :
        she-she:    {名} : 若い女
        insulin:    insulin インシュリン
        metabolism:     metabolism n. 新陳代謝. 【動詞+】 It is hard to change one's metabolism. 新陳代謝を変えるのは難しい Anxiety can disturb one's metabolism. 心配は新陳代謝を乱すことがある She has a metabolism that burns calories effic


  1. "she needs a pill for pain" 意味
  2. "she needs absolute rest" 意味
  3. "she needs at least $2,000 a month in alimony to raise their three children. 3" 意味
  4. "she needs cheering" 意味
  5. "she needs constantly to be reassured that her work is appreciated" 意味
  6. "she needs more experience" 意味
  7. "she needs more self-confidence" 意味
  8. "she needs more space for her paintings" 意味
  9. "she needs no encouragement to have a drink" 意味
  10. "she needs cheering" 意味
  11. "she needs constantly to be reassured that her work is appreciated" 意味
  12. "she needs more experience" 意味
  13. "she needs more self-confidence" 意味

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